infinite loop in TransposeEliminationPass with dynamic input
Closed this issue · 2 comments
zezhang commented
Following IR causes infinite loop in the TransposeEliminationPass
#map = affine_map<(d0, d1, d2) -> (d0, d2, d1)>
module {
func.func @test(%arg0: tensor<?x80x80xf32>) -> tensor<?x80x80xf32> {
%cst_f32 = tensorrt.constant dense<1.000000e+00> : tensor<1x1x1xf32>
%1 = tensorrt.transpose {permutation = #map} %arg0 : tensor<?x80x80xf32> to tensor<?x80x80xf32>
%2 = tensorrt.element_wise <kSUB>(%cst_f32, %1 : tensor<1x1x1xf32>, tensor<?x80x80xf32>) -> tensor<?x80x80xf32>
return %2 : tensor<?x80x80xf32>
More details: I think the issue comes from PushdownTransposeEwise
patten (may exist in other similar patterns as well). Could be something wrong with pushDownTransposePrecondition
when calculating memoryCost
with dynamic inputs?
christopherbate commented
Thanks for reporting this. It looks like guess is correct, it doesn't handle dynamic shapes correctly. I've tested a simple fix internally and should have it sync'd up here by end of week.
christopherbate commented
Fixed in #371