
Working with 3D Slicer

santiagooli opened this issue · 8 comments

I´m a doctor trying to use 3D Slicer for jaw segmentation. I kew about Nvidia AAIA just recently and installed the plugin. I don´t know how to set the server (too many coding lines that I do not know how to use), and living the space blank does not let me try. I would like to use my own dicom sets but trying to use the module scapes my computer skills. Is there any plug an play way to perform the AI segmetations without the tedious other options slicer provides_

@santiagooli Thank you for using AIAA, and 3D Slicer for segmentation tasks.

There is a MONAI Label tool for labeling Dicom images with 3D Slicer, if this looks helpful to you:

We have documentation on MONAI Label with 3D Slicer from the beginning.

Please see this page for installation details, this includes a step-by-step guide for setting up the server, plugins, and communicating with 3D Slicer for AI tools.

In addition: the tutorial quickstart page introduces the Radiology App as an example:

More documentation in the Github can be found here: https://github.com/tangy5/MONAILabel/tree/monailabel_readme_update

Thank you again, let us know if there are further questions, we are appreciative of all user experience and feedback for improving MONAI Label with 3D Slicer!


Thanks for opening this issue, @santiagooli.

Could you please add more information on the jaw segmentation use case? How many images you'd like to annotate? In which format are those images?

In a previous Slicer Hackathon, we has a use case in which we used MONAI Label to perform teeth and jaw segmentation: https://projectweek.na-mic.org/PW36_2022_Virtual/Projects/AutomaticSegmentationofTeethandAlveolarBone/

Is your use case similar to this one?

We assume MONAI Label users are familiar with Slicer. If this is not the case, you may find helpful this demo: https://youtu.be/wtiEe_jiUzg?t=2206

Here is also a video tutorial to start using MONAI Label: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8y1OBQs2wis&list=PLtoSVSQ2XzyD4lc-lAacFBzOdv5Ou-9IA

As @tangy5 said, please don't hesitate to post questions in the discussion section here: https://github.com/Project-MONAI/MONAILabel/discussions

Hope this helps,

Please raise any issues/questions related to MONAILabel on corresponding github:

Hi @santiagooli

Thanks for sharing the details of the dataset and task.

Have you followed the instructions given in the Readme?

download radiology app and sample dataset

monailabel apps --download --name radiology --output apps
monailabel datasets --download --name Task09_Spleen --output datasets

start server using radiology app with deepedit model enabled

monailabel start_server --app apps/radiology --studies datasets/Task09_Spleen/imagesTr --conf models deepedit

Did you follow the step-by-step tutorial explained here?

If yes and you're still facing the same issue, I'd recommend you to please create and issue or open a discussion as @SachidanandAlle recommended: https://github.com/Project-MONAI/MONAILabel/issues - and add the logs or errors you face.


Yes I did follow the tutorial.
I did struggle some places with the grammar but at the end all was looking like the video screen, just the server never started. I tried to work with Slicer and when I tried to refresh the server a pop up appeared saying it was not possible and the info said the original computer actively refuse it.
I will unistall it and will try again...

Closing this issue.. and lets take the discussion in MONAILabel repo instead

Closing this issue.. and lets take the discussion in MONAILabel repo instead
