
AIAAException: (3, "Status: 403; Response: b''")

akabynda opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, everyone. I want to start working with AIAAclient and I have an error in the second line of the code:

client = client_api.AIAAClient(server_url='')
models = client.model_list(label='spleen')

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/akabynda/Diffuse_Steatoch/main.py", line 254, in
models = client.model_list(label='spleen')
File "/Users/akabynda/Diffuse_Steatoch/py_client/client_api.py", line 192, in model_list
raise AIAAException(AIAAError.SERVER_ERROR, 'Status: {}; Response: {}'.format(status, response))
py_client.client_api.AIAAException: (3, "Status: 403; Response: b''")

I have followed all the instructions (https://docs.nvidia.com/clara/clara-train-sdk/pt/installation.html and https://docs.nvidia.com/clara/clara-train-sdk/aiaa/quickstart.html). Can you help me?

If support for NVIDIA AIAA is ended then it could make sense to describe this in the README.md file, add a link to a page that describes how to achieve the same functionality with MONAILabel (especially how to install a shared MONAILabel server and install pre-trained models that were available in AIAA server) and archive this repository.