
Cannot run Python range-based for loops through the synthesizer (affects NVQC)

bmhowe23 opened this issue · 3 comments

Required prerequisites

  • Consult the security policy. If reporting a security vulnerability, do not report the bug using this form. Use the process described in the policy to report the issue.
  • Make sure you've read the documentation. Your issue may be addressed there.
  • Search the issue tracker to verify that this hasn't already been reported. +1 or comment there if it has.
  • If possible, make a PR with a failing test to give us a starting point to work on!

Describe the bug

Python programs that use for i in range(...) cannot use i to index lists.

If they try to do so, they will produce an error like this: loc("<builder>":1:1): error: 'builtin.module' op unexpected constant arrays

Note that this is also the cause of the qaoa_maxcut.py failures in our Nightly Integration jobs (link: https://github.com/NVIDIA/cuda-quantum/actions/runs/8516826927)

I made a similar program in C++ and it appears to work just fine.

Steps to reproduce the bug

Given the following test.py program:

import cudaq
import numpy as np

def problem_kernel(parms: list[float]):
    q = cudaq.qubit()

    # This fails
    for i in range(len(parms)):
        rz(parms[i], q)

    # This works
    # for i in parms:
    #     rz(i, q)

parms = np.zeros(1)
counts = cudaq.sample(problem_kernel, parms)

Run the test program as follows:

$ python3 test.py --target remote-mqpu
loc("<builder>":1:1): error: 'builtin.module' op unexpected constant arrays
RuntimeError: Remote rest platform: applying IR passes failed.

Expected behavior

The program should run without errors. Note that the # This works section of the example does indeed work.

Is this a regression? If it is, put the last known working version (or commit) here.

Not a regression


  • CUDA Quantum version: 0.7.0
  • Python version: 3.10
  • C++ compiler: N/A
  • Operating system: Ubuntu


Below, the noted line in the MLIR is causing eraseConstantArrayOps to fail inside LowerToQIR.cpp. I don't know if we expect LowerToQIR to be able to handle this type of IR, or if the problem is that this MLIR should never have been generated.

module attributes {quake.mangled_name_map = {__nvqpp__mlirgen__problem_kernel = "__nvqpp__mlirgen__problem_kernel_PyKernelEntryPointRewrite"}} {
  func.func @__nvqpp__mlirgen__problem_kernel() attributes {"cudaq-entrypoint", "cudaq-kernel"} {
    %c0_i64 = arith.constant 0 : i64
    %0 = quake.alloca !quake.veq<1>
    %1 = cc.const_array [0.000000e+00] : !cc.array<f64 x 1>
    %2 = quake.extract_ref %0[0] : (!quake.veq<1>) -> !quake.ref
    %3 = cc.alloca !cc.array<i64 x 1>
    %4 = cc.compute_ptr %3[0] : (!cc.ptr<!cc.array<i64 x 1>>) -> !cc.ptr<i64>
    cc.store %c0_i64, %4 : !cc.ptr<i64>
    %5 = cc.load %4 : !cc.ptr<i64>
    %6 = cc.get_const_element %1, %5 : (!cc.array<f64 x 1>, i64) -> f64 ; this appears to be the problematic line
    quake.rz (%6) %2 : (f64, !quake.ref) -> ()
    quake.dealloc %0 : !quake.veq<1>

The root cause, I believe, is the range() in the Python loop. That is being dutifully translated into a temporary list (array) and populated with 0, 1, ... integers. The compiler doesn't really expect this indirection, so it isn't folding the constants as one might expect.

The semantics of the Python for loop requires an "iterable" (for index in iterable). The PyASTBridge implements range to return place an iterable on the stack, specifically a cc.array containing the integers in the range. I was not sure of a better way to implement this. Maybe you have some ideas Eric? Or is it possible to update the loop unrolling to see this pattern and unroll?

Actually, I see you do the same thing (there is an intrinsic to create this array), but that in ConvertStmt::TraverseCXXForRangeStmt you optimize it away for the simple case range(N) -> for (i = 0, i < N, i++).

So we'll need something similar in the python bridge.