
Endian is inconsistent between State and SpinOperator.to_matrix

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Required prerequisites

  • Consult the security policy. If reporting a security vulnerability, do not report the bug using this form. Use the process described in the policy to report the issue.
  • Make sure you've read the documentation. Your issue may be addressed there.
  • Search the issue tracker to verify that this hasn't already been reported. +1 or comment there if it has.
  • If possible, make a PR with a failing test to give us a starting point to work on!

Describe the bug

Endian is inconsistent between State and SpinOperator.to_matrix.

Steps to reproduce the bug

def bell():
    qubits = cudaq.qvector(2)
observable = cudaq.SpinOperator.from_word("XZ")
res = cudaq.observe(bell, observable)


state = np.array(cudaq.get_state(bell))
print(state @ observable.to_matrix() @ state)


Expected behavior

These two examples should return the same result.
In my understanding, CUDA-Q is big-endian, so observe's behavior is correct.

Is this a regression? If it is, put the last known working version (or commit) here.

Not a regression


  • CUDA Quantum version: 0.7.1
  • Python version: 3.10.12
  • C++ compiler:
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS


No response


def reverse_endian(spin: cudaq.SpinOperator) -> cudaq.SpinOperator:
    return sum(
        term.get_coefficient() * SpinOperator.from_word(term.to_string(False)[::-1])
        for term in spin

print(state @ reverse_endian(observable).to_matrix() @ state)

I think the endian of observable.to_matrix() is wrong. [should be confirmed]