
[QST] Is it possible to perform decompression on solely the CPU with Snappy?

DarwinAnim8or opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello everyone, I'm trying to use this library to minimize the amount of data that has to travel between the CPU and GPU-- however I have not been able to find if it is possible to use Snappy on the CPU only?

In my limited testing it doesn't appear as though the GPU-compressed Snappy stream is bitstream-compatible with other implementations of Snappy in other languages, only Nvcomp can decompress the bitstream back. (This may of course be due to a different version of the library used, so if there is a known working version please do let me know!)

Utilizing the GPU again for decompression would defeat the whole purpose in this case, so I was wondering if there was any way to decompress a stream made on the GPU on the CPU?

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