

NicolasDenoyelle opened this issue · 4 comments

Describe the bug

nvcomp lz4 manager fails to reconstruct valid data after a round-trip of compression, decompression when used with nvcomp types: NVCOMP_TYPE_LONGLONG and NVCOMP_TYPE_ULONGLONG

Steps/Code to reproduce bug



Compile with:

g++ -g -Wall -Wextra -Wall -std=c++17 -I/usr/local/cuda/include -I<path_to_nvcomp.h> nvcomp-lz4-reproducer.cpp -o reproducer -lcudart -lnvcomp && ./reproducer  
Expected behavior

Expected behavior

The reproducer I attached compresses a buffer then decompresses the compressed buffer and check that the initial buffer and the final buffer are equal. The test fails the equality check.

The reproducer uses the high level API.
I checked that the manager inputs are within the ranges documented in lz4.h
The alignment constraint should be satisfied since the pointer is a value returned from cudaMalloc().

Environment details:

Cuda Driver Version: 535.154.05
CUDA Version: 12.2
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050
nvcomp Version: 3.0.4 (no extensions)

Sorry. The LZ4 compressor only supports NVCOMP_TYPE_CHAR, NVCOMP_TYPE_SHORT, and NVCOMP_TYPE_INT or the corresponding types with U in them. It could be that the error isn't being reported/handled correctly, so I'll check that. Either way, it looks like the limitation isn't clearly documented, so I'll see if I can at least add a comment about it on nvcompBatchedLZ4Opts_t in lz4.h

@ndickson-nvidia thanks for the quick reply.
I agree with your comment.

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