Positive width and height and corners2rotatedbbox(corners) function
MteaHubHug opened this issue · 1 comments
In the function :
def _corners2rotatedbbox(corners):
centre = np.mean(np.array(corners), 0)
theta = calc_bearing(corners[0], corners[1])
rotation = np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)],
[np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)]])
out_points = np.matmul(corners - centre, rotation) + centre
x, y = list(out_points[0,:])
w, h = list(out_points[2, :] - out_points[0, :])
return [x, y, w, h, theta]
width and height are computed like this : w, h = list(out_points[2, :] - out_points[0, :])
It is ok to just take absolute value because width and height has to be positive.
(see sketch1)
So, you can just change it to :
w, h = list(out_points[2, :] - out_points[0, :])
w= math.fabs(w)
return [x, y, w, h, theta]
Still, I think this:
w, h = list(out_points[2, :] - out_points[0, :])
is not correct way to compute width and height (see my schetch2).
I think that is ok just when box is not roatated. In rotated case, it has to be :
w= math.distance(point1,point2)
Pls, tell me what do you think about this?
Thanks, we will look into this and let you know.