
Failed to grow a descriptor heap Error

tomdrinKEENSWH opened this issue · 3 comments

I have encountered a error when I was trying to import the Sponza scene from https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Sample-Models/tree/master/2.0/Sponza.


The scene can be found here:

Would it be possible to improve error logging in a way that would hint what is wrong with the scene (if the problem is in the scene)?

I have found out the issue is caused when a scene contain materials with alphaMode: "MASK".

Hey, thanks for reporting this issue. A fix is done for this and will be part of the upcomping 1.1 release😊

https://github.com/nv-jdeligiannis-s fix is now up with v1.1.0 so this is fixed :)