
Small problems in CMakeLists.txt and Wrapper.cpp

stkrake opened this issue · 4 comments

I had these small problems with CMakeLists.txt on win32 and linux. Maybe there are better solutions (I don't know enough cmake):

  • CMakeLists.txt line 4: set(NRD_DXC_CUSTOM_PATH "custom/path/to/dxc")
    I had to uncomment comment out this line to specify the dxc-path via cmake -D.
    (Edit: The line was of course "commented out" ("removed"), not "uncommented").

  • CMakeLists.txt lines 48+49:
    I had to remove "/MT" and "/MTd" to build a static lib that can be used in a "/MD"-project.

And this prevents compilation on linux:

  • Wrapper.cpp: line 13 contains backslashes in #include "..\Resources\Version.h".
    Changing to forward slashes fixes the problem.
  1. shader compiler path:
    set(NRD_DXC_CUSTOM_PATH "custom/path/to/dxc")
    cmake build files that expect user modification to function are bad practice - this should be written as follows, with an empty
    default value, later checked and automatically filled if possible, or a helpful fatal error ensuing.
    set(OPTION "Default" CACHE STRING "Helpstring")
    i suggest looking here for some cmake logic to locate the shader compilers:

  2. compiler specific flags:
    should at least be checked (with something like this, though there may be a better way):
    if (MSVC) ... endif()
    here is a not very elegant check for others:
    while in there, i would also recommend turning on "production warnings"...
    add_definitions(/W3 /WX)

Just brushed up my cmake skills a bit: "/MT" or "/MTd" could be configured via CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY from the command line.
But cmake_minimum_required has to be (VERSION 3.15) at least for this to work.

Thanks! I believe I have fixed the problems:

  • external NRD CMAKE arguments now properly defined via set(... CACHE STRING ...)
  • cmake_minimum_required has been bumped to 3.15 to unblock CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY
  • added W3 and WX for NRD for pedants

@stkrake Please, verify.

CMakeList.txt now works on win32 and linux without modifications. I also checked that CMAKE_MSVC_RUNTIME_LIBRARY creates a NRD.vcxproj with the expected entries (but I did not compile or further test this).

Unfortunately compiling on linux now breaks due to "-Werror". I will open an new issue for this and closing this one.

Thanks for fixing.