
Legal Question: Using StyleGAN2 ADA as a public museum?

MartinSpengler opened this issue · 3 comments

Often one word can make a huge difference in code, here is a question about one word in the Licence txt "non-commercial".
Together with a state-owned (hard to translate german word "gemeinnützig" - public, non-profit) museum we are digitizing their big collection of fabric patterns and are dreaming of using StyleGAN2 ADA for the analysis and interpretation of it.
The Licence (https://github.com/NVlabs/stylegan2-ada/blob/main/LICENSE.txt) is not clear about if the museum can run the algorithm with the model that we trained on their server and let users generate images with it via a web API.
I would be very happy if you could point me in the right direction if this is legally possible.
Many thanks
Martin from LAB BINÆR

Any progress on this? I'm having a hard time finding any more information on "gray area" or even full commercial uses of this implementation.

It says As used herein, "non-commercially" means for research or evaluation purposes only. in the license. I guess that means no.

However there are other implementations that don't have this restriction. Maybe this MIT-licensed implementation is sufficient for your use case: https://github.com/lucidrains/stylegan2-pytorch

You’d want to retrain model to avoid problems as the datasets have their own license / terms of use. Or email nvidia enquiries. It’s on the main repo.