Better documentation of build process for iMXRT1170+FreeRTOS
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I am trying to build this project for iMXRT1170 EVK but I am not able to fully understand the documentation.
- What MCUXpresso SDK software should be downloaded and which versions?
The docs points to this section:
Is MCUXpresso Config Tools required? That doesn't make sense?
The section above (not the one that is linked) seems more relevant. But what is the correct middleware?
You can pick between:
AVB/TSN stacks
GenAVB/TSN evaluation package
-- Development Package
What are the flags
referring to? Is it the NXP SDK? Or is it the actual FreeRTOS kernel? What are the apps?
Thanks for your help
The README link should now be fixed (and would be available for future freertos releases) and is pointing to
You can download the release archive and find the needed FreeRTOS SDK and Apps to build for i.MXRT1170
This ticket is now to be closed.