- 1
- 0
Jobs marked as Complete but units_net_complete is null and lastest CO units not showing up in the unit change fields
#58 opened by mqli322 - 1
Map the geometry to the center of the lot
#52 opened by AmandaDoyle - 6
Pull in unit_change value from dcp_attributes
#53 opened by AmandaEyer - 3
CO calculation for A1 jobs
#54 opened by AmandaEyer - 2
Future improvement of Database
#47 opened by AmandaEyer - 1
#51 opened by AmandaEyer - 1
Lat Long Mixup
#50 opened by AmandaEyer - 2
Small other things to discuss
#37 opened by AmandaEyer - 1
Include DCP attribute corrections
#48 opened by AmandaEyer - 4
Exclude records from Housing Database
#46 opened by AmandaEyer - 1
Missing fields
#49 opened by AmandaEyer - 0
Clean up hotel records
#45 opened by AmandaEyer - 3
- 2
Update to mixed use flag
#25 opened by AmandaEyer - 2
- 1
Add logic to QC_outliers so that records that were previously verified as non outliers are not added
#43 opened by AmandaDoyle - 4
Complete unit_change field for Demolitions
#38 opened by AmandaEyer - 1
Occupancy QC missing
#40 opened by AmandaEyer - 1
Database needs geocoding
#42 opened by AmandaEyer - 1
We should update the "inactive" flag
#39 opened by AmandaEyer - 1
Non-residential applications lack CO data
#26 opened by AmandaEyer - 5
Flag for manual review
#28 opened by mqli322 - 2
- 1
- 7
Negative 2018 Unit change Numbers
#31 opened by BillS85 - 6
Recoding of Garages and Rear Building Records
#23 opened by BillS85 - 1
Issue with unit_change field for 2010 and 2011
#36 opened by AmandaEyer - 2
HDB looking Good But.....
#33 opened by BillS85 - 1
Change code for outliers QC
#34 opened by AmandaEyer - 2
Add "mixed_use_flag" field to database
#19 opened by AmandaEyer - 1
- 1
Add missing jobs to the database
#29 opened by AmandaEyer - 2
- 1
Assisted Liviving with Other DCP category
#32 opened by BillS85 - 1
Add _2018 fields
#30 opened by AmandaDoyle - 18
Flag as outlier
#27 opened by mqli322 - 3
DCP corrected records was not incorporated
#11 opened by AmandaEyer - 6
the database is missing a status_x_year field
#16 opened by AmandaEyer - 2
Update housing_input_lookup_occupancy.csv so that it is a proper lookup table
#22 opened by AmandaDoyle - 5
Missing records because parameters does not include pre-2008 residential code (J-0, J-2, J-3)
#17 opened by AmandaEyer - 1
We should ask DOB why/when the occupancy codes RES, COM and PUB are still used, even though they pre-date 1968 building code.
#12 opened by AmandaEyer - 1
Job 104592068 has a dob_occ_init and prop with a period, and is not classified
#13 opened by AmandaEyer - 1
Units_net should only be calculated when both u_init and u_prop are available
#7 opened by hannahkates - 1
- 1
- 1
thousands of records are missing
#14 opened by AmandaEyer - 1
- 1
- 1