
Not working in certain angles

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, I compiled it with no problems and it works smoothly. But, the ESP only works when I'm looking at a certain angle and it's random. For example, sometimes it only works when I'm looking down at the ground and the moment I look up, the boxes disappear. Other times, I have to look at a certain direction for the boxes to appear (say North, South, ...). I tried to change resolutions and I also tried to recompile it a couple of times. Can anyone please help me resolve this issue?

Ok, so after some digging and checking my offsets with the latest offsets from the new offsets issue ticket, I found out that my "m_boneArray" value was wrong. It's supposed to be "128" but I got it "0". It worked completely fine after fixing this value. I used cs2_dumper to get my offsets and only found "m_boneArray" inside "animationsystem.dll". Am I supposed to configure cs2_dumper to get a correct value or does "0" mean "128"? Just asking for future offset updates.