
Group search results by media type

leonardr opened this issue · 1 comments

Currently search results are served in a normal list feed. The new design requires that they be served as a grouped feed, grouped by media type. The URLs to the search controller defined in #895, which run the same search restricted to different media types, will work well as the group URIs.

We'll need to investigate how existing clients will render a grouped feed in search results.

Ebooks should be the first 'lane' in the search results.

It's not yet clear whether we should perform a single search and group the feeds if any grouping needs to be done, or whether we need to perform a separate search for every extant media type.

It's also not clear how patrons are supposed to get more search results if the item they want isn't present in the first set. A list feed can be scrolled; a grouped feed can't.

This is now moot; we changed the design so that search results are no longer grouped.