
DecentrAI edge node

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Naeural Edge Protocol edge node

Hello world tutorial

Below is a simple "Hello world!" style application that aims to show how simple and straightforward it is to distribute existing Python code to multiple edge node workers. This code uses the PyE2 SDK.

To execute this code, you can check PyE2/tutorials/video_presentation/1. hello_world.ipynb. You can also check our video tutorial.

1. Create .env file

Copy the tutorials/.example_env file to your project directory and rename it to .env.

Fill in the empty variables with appropriate values.

2. Create new / Use test private key

Disclaimer: You should never publish sensitive information such as private keys.

To experiment on our test net, you can use the provided private key to communicate with the 3 nodes in the test network.

Create new private key

When first connecting to our network, the sdk will search in the current working directory for an existing private key. If not found, the SDK will create one at $(cwd)/_local_cache/_data/_pk_sdk.pem.

Using an existing private key

To use an existing private key, create in the working directory the directory tree _local_cache/_data/ and add the _pk_sdk.pem file there.

To use our provided key. copy it from tutorials/_example_pk_sdk.pem to local_cache/_data/ and change its name to _pk_sdk.pem.

3. Local Execution

We want to find all $168$ prime numbers in the interval $1$ - $1000$. For this we can run the following code on our local machine.

This code has segments running on multiple threads using a ThreadPool.

import numpy as np
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

def local_brute_force_prime_number_generator():
  def is_prime(n):
    if n <= 1:
      return False
    for i in range(2, int(np.sqrt(n)) + 1):
      if n % i == 0:
        return False
    return True

  random_numbers = np.random.randint(1, 1000, 20)

  thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=4)
  are_primes = list(thread_pool.map(is_prime, random_numbers))

  prime_numbers = []
  for i in range(len(random_numbers)):
    if are_primes[i]:

  return prime_numbers

if __name__ == "__main__":
  found_so_far = []

  print_step = 0

  while len(found_so_far) < 168:
    # compute a batch of prime numbers
    prime_numbers = local_brute_force_prime_number_generator()

    # keep only the new prime numbers
    for prime_number in prime_numbers:
      if prime_number not in found_so_far:
    # end for

    # show progress
    if print_step % 50 == 0:
      print("Found so far: {}:  {}\n".format(len(found_so_far), sorted(found_so_far)))

    print_step += 1
  # end while

  # show final result
  print("Found so far: {}:  {}\n".format(len(found_so_far), sorted(found_so_far)))

We can see that we have a local_brute_force_prime_number_generator method which will generate a random sample of $20$ numbers that will be checked if they are prime or not.

The rest of the code handles how the numbers generated with this method are kept. Because we want to find $168$ unique numbers, we append to the list of found primes only the numbers that are not present yet.

At the end, we want to show a list of all the numbers found.

4. Remote Execution

For this example we would like to use multiple edge nodes to find the prime numbers faster.

To execute this code on our network, a series of changes must be made to the local_brute_force_prime_number_generator method. These changes are the only ones a developer has to do to deploy his own custom code on the network.

For this, we will create a new method, remote_brute_force_prime_number_generator, which will use the exposed edge node API methods.

from PyE2 import CustomPluginTemplate

# through the `plugin` object we get access to the edge node API
# the CustomPluginTemplate class acts as a documentation for all the available methods and attributes
# since we do not allow imports in the custom code due to security reasons, the `plugin` object 
#   exposes common modules to the user
def remote_brute_force_prime_number_generator(plugin: CustomPluginTemplate):
  def is_prime(n):
    if n <= 1:
      return False
    # we use the `plugin.np` instead of the `np` module
    for i in range(2, int(plugin.np.sqrt(n)) + 1):
      if n % i == 0:
        return False
    return True
  # we use the `plugin.np` instead of the `np` module
  random_numbers = plugin.np.random.randint(1, 1000, 20)

  # we use the `plugin.threadapi_map` instead of the `ThreadPoolExecutor.map`
  are_primes = plugin.threadapi_map(is_prime, random_numbers, n_threads=4)

  prime_numbers = []
  for i in range(len(random_numbers)):
    if are_primes[i]:

  return prime_numbers

This are all the changes we have to do to deploy this code in the network.

Now lets connect to the network and see what nodes are online. We will use the on_heartbeat callback to print the nodes.

from PyE2 import Session
from time import sleep

def on_heartbeat(session: Session, node_id: str, heartbeat: dict):
  # the `.P` method is used to print messages in the console and store them in the log file
  session.P("{} is online".format(node_id))

if __name__ == '__main__':
  # create a session
  # the network credentials are read from the .env file automatically
  session = Session(

  # run the program for 15 seconds to show all the nodes that are online

Next we will select an online node. This node will be our entrypoint in the network.

The available nodes in our test net are:

0xai_A8SY7lEqBtf5XaGyB6ipdk5C30vSf3HK4xELp3iplwLe naeural-1
0xai_Amfnbt3N-qg2-qGtywZIPQBTVlAnoADVRmSAsdDhlQ-6 naeural-2
0xai_ApltAljEgWk3g8x2QcSa0sS3hT1P4dyCchd04zFSMy5e naeural-3

We will send a task to this node. Since we want to distribute the task of finding prime numbers to multiple nodes, this selected node will handle distribution of tasks and collection of the results.

node = "0xai_A8SY7lEqBtf5XaGyB6ipdk5C30vSf3HK4xELp3iplwLe" # naeural-1

# we usually wait for the node to be online before sending the task
# but in this case we are sure that the node is online because we 
# have received heartbeats from it during the sleep period

# session.wait_for_node(node)

Our selected node will periodically output partial results with the prime numbers found so far by the worker nodes. We want to consume these results.

Thus, we need to implement a callback method that will handle this.

from PyE2 import Pipeline

# a flag used to close the session when the task is finished
finished = False

def locally_process_partial_results(pipeline: Pipeline, full_payload):
  global finished
  found_so_far = full_payload.get("DATA")

  if found_so_far:
    pipeline.P("Found so far: {}:  {}\n\n".format(len(found_so_far), sorted(found_so_far)))

  progress = full_payload.get("PROGRESS")
  if progress == 100:
    finished = True


Now we are ready to deploy our job to the network.

from PyE2 import DistributedCustomCodePresets as Presets

_, _ = session.create_chain_dist_custom_job(
    # this is the main node, our entrypoint
    # this function is executed on the main node
    # this handles what we want to do with primes found by a worker node after an iteration
    # we want to store only the unique prime numbers
    # we cam either write a custom code to pass here or we can use a preset
    # this function is executed on the main node
    # this handles the finish condition of our distributed job
    # we want to finish when we have found 168 prime numbers
    # so more than 167 prime numbers
    # we cam either write a custom code to pass here or we can use a preset
        "X": 167
    # this function is executed on the main node
    # this handles the final processing of the results
    # this function prepares data for the final result of the distributed job
    # we want to aggregate all the prime numbers found by the worker nodes in a single list
    # we cam either write a custom code to pass here or we can use a preset

    # how many worker nodes we want to use for this task
    # this is the function that will be executed on the worker nodes
    # this function generates prime numbers using brute force
    # we simply pass the function reference

    # this is the function that will be executed on the client
    # this is the callback function that processes the partial results
    # in our case we want to print the partial results
    # we want to deploy the job immediately

Last but not least, we want to close the session when the distributed job finished.

# we wait until the finished flag is set to True
# we want to release the resources allocated on the selected node when the job is finished
session.run(wait=lambda: not finished, close_pipelines=True)

Project Financing Disclaimer

This project includes open-source components that have been developed with the support of financing grants SMIS 143488 and SMIS 156084, provided by the Romanian Competitiveness Operational Programme. We are grateful for this support, which has enabled us to advance our work and share these resources with the community.

The content and information provided within this repository are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funding agencies. The funding received under these grants has been instrumental in supporting specific parts of this open source project, allowing for broader dissemination and collaborative development.

For any inquiries related to the funding and its impact on this project, please contact the authors directly.


  author = {Naeural.AI},
  title = {Naeural Edge Protocol: Edge Node},
  year = {2024},
  howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/NaeuralEdgeProtocol/edge_node}},
  author = {Stefan Saraev, Andrei Damian},
  title = {PyE2: Python SDK for Naeural Edge Protocol},
  year = {2024},
  howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/NaeuralEdgeProtocol/PyE2}},
      title={Naeural AI OS -- Decentralized ubiquitous computing MLOps execution engine}, 
      author={Beatrice Milik and Stefan Saraev and Cristian Bleotiu and Radu Lupaescu and Bogdan Hobeanu and Andrei Ionut Damian},