
Challenge with Routing in ReactJS SPA

saleemdev opened this issue · 17 comments

Hello, I have created a React SPA within an app, and the website_route_rules are automatically set up in hooks as follows.:

-Frappe app name: haulster
-SPA name : frontend

-website_route_rules = [{'from_route': '/frontend/<path:app_path>', 'to_route': 'frontend'}]

-react-router-dom routes:

            <Route path="/" exact element ={<Trip/>}/>
            <Route path="/fuel" exact element ={<FuelRequest/>}/>
            <Route path="/maintenance" exact element ={<MaintenanceRequest/>}/>

-Problem: None of those routes are being rendered on production that is returning a blank page. Yet in developer mode (```localhost```)  the pages are being rendered.


Hey! Is the frontend.html being built inside the www folder after bench build?

Also, anything in browser console?

@nikkothari22 might be able to help with React Router issue, I am more familiar with Vue 😅

Hi @nikkothari22 any input on this?

Hey @saleemdev,

On production, you need to set a basepath in your BrowserRouter with a prop.

The base path will be the name of your SPA. So for example, if your SPA is rendered on /dashboard, your base path will be "dashboard"

The way I do this is by defining the basepath as an environment variable. It's undefined on dev, and only set for production builds.

Hi @nikkothari22 will try this on my end and share feedback. Thanks so much.

Thankyou so much @nikkothari22 and @NagariaHussain Nikhils solution works perfectly

@nikkothari22 Maybe we should have a starter template for a frappe-react-sdk app (maybe with ChakraUI and a popular client side route?), just like we have for frappe-ui.

@nikkothari22 working on one using ant-d, might I share that ?

That would be awesome @saleemdev

@nikkothari22 working on one using ant-d, might I share that ?

Yes absolutely!

@nikkothari22 Maybe we should have a starter template for a frappe-react-sdk app (maybe with ChakraUI and a popular client side route?), just like we have for frappe-ui.

Any chance that I can write a tutorial or documentation on either the Frappe Framework docs, or on the blog? I think that would be even more helpful, along with a starter template.

Amazing idea! Will get it published as a guest post on frappe blog. Also, we can link that in docs etc.

Feel free to ping me on TG, we can chat more details there Nikhil.