
Translating to Russian

Opened this issue · 1 comments

v1s7 commented

I've already translated 3/10 strings.xml files and I want to ask some questions:

  1. File:
    <string name="message_tutorial_1_step_9">For this game, the interesting part is the blue character, so crop your
        screenshot to only get him.\n\nYou can pinch on the screenshot to zoom on it and get a better accuracy for the
        crop selector.</string>
    <string name="message_tutorial_1_step_secondary_9">Ensure the character is complete in the selector. Also try to
        crop it as close as possible to him in order to ease the image detection.</string>

Some texts are broken down into separate lines. Is this necessary? What's the pattern behind this? The most logical conclusion I could come up with is that all lines with these texts can't be more than 96 characters long. But if that's the case, then do I need to create additional new lines with indents if the translated text is longer than the original?

  1. File:
    <string name="dropdown_label_time_unit_ms" translatable="false">ms</string>
    <string name="dropdown_label_time_unit_s" translatable="false">s</string>
    <string name="dropdown_label_time_unit_min" translatable="false">min</string>
    <string name="dropdown_label_time_unit_h" translatable="false">h</string>

Russian has its own unit abbreviations ("мс", "с", "мин", "ч"). Can I just remove the "translatable" attribute from these? Or will it involve additional configuration?

I got most of the support from #322 and all previous l10n contributions. I've been finding the purposes of each string by manually searching where're they used inside the app.
I don't know how to build an APK from source without a computer. All my attempts to do it through Termux have been failed. So I can't test if some strings in Russian are too long or just look ugly. I hope it's possible for you to do this part by yourself, sorry about that…
Thanks for understanding, I'll reach out if I stumble upon another problems.

Hi and thank you for your contribution !

If you are talking about the visual line breaks, they are just here to ease the reading of the developper in Android Studio, to avoid scrolling horizontaly in the file; they have no impact on the display in the application. You can create as much lines as you want like that.
If you are talking about text line breaks (\n), they will be visible to the user, usually for separating paragraphs. It will be better for final display if you keep them at the correct place.

I didn't know that. I have updated the application to remove this restriction for you and already updated the other languages, so you are good to go (see here)

For the list of files to translate, basically all strings.xml files, and feature/smart-config/src/main/values/event_default_config.xml
You won't be able to build the application without Android Studio i'm afraid, but don't worry about the integration, I will gladly do it once your are done. Feel free to ask for support here.