
Where is this cookie from?

NaitLee opened this issue · 0 comments

I've found a problem.

Create an account in hfs.ini, and specify a path for it. With Takeback template, launch PHFS, view the page with Firefox...

Go to the path, login to the account, back and go to the path again, one can view it;

Manage the account, logout, then re-login, after that go to the path, one got redirected to /~signin, cannot view the page successfully.

I've checked developer tool, and found that there's an unexpected cookie appeared in the request header of the path.

Cookie: HFS_SID_=d175938452acc151ca98b2a23055dd8b55c0ab0ea96548c332388c2d70b9c948;   HFS_SID_=38c8b2d82da82c951b04f210ea8c7f5b41434ca03f9c916b38a97c58c4404f25

The 38c8 one is from 2nd login, but, where is the d175 one from?

There's no trace of where is this cookie from though. Weird... 😦

Now trying this in chromium-based browsers...