
E-Commerce - Frontend (React + Redux + Router + Axios) / Backend (Node.JS + Express + MongoDB)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React_NodeJS - Look here

E-Commerce - Frontend (React + Redux + Router + Axios) / Backend (Node.JS + Express + MongoDB)

Project from K.Sathyaprakash Reddy - Udemy Page

New Version - I got the idea from the Frontend-3 Project

React+NodeJS Project New Front

Version 1 - Made with the Project

React+NodeJS Project

Go to the frontend Folder

In CMD, execute

npm start

How to execute the project from zero (stolen from Bruno Fuentes XD)

  1. Clone this repository locally
  2. Install all necessary packages, execute:
npm install
  1. To run the project (development mode), execute:
npm start