
Can't find context menu entry

gabriele-costa opened this issue · 8 comments

I installed the extension following the README instructions. The procedure completes successfully and I am asked to restart Ghidra. However, when I open a project I can't find the context menu with the extension commands (as in the animated GIF).
I am using Ghidra 9.1.2.

Context menu is aviable only for disassembled listing view. If plugin was installed succesfully conext menu must be aviable too. is responsible for this.

Actually the plugin seems to be installed (see picture 1) but when I do right click on the disassembled listing the entry is missing (picture 2). Can you suggest me a way to debug the extension's Java code to see whether it is executed properly? Or is there something else I can check?

Thank you

Schermata del 2020-10-15 11-30-41
Schermata del 2020-10-15 11-31-36

Could you please check AngryGhidraPlugin persistence in Ghidra Window? Is it present? I'm going to investigate this thing.


Did you got these windows when you've installed plugin?



No, I don't have it. Seems like the extension is disabled

Schermata del 2020-10-15 14-24-13

Ok, I suppose you missied this one. Try File -> Configure -> Experemental:

Screenshot from 2020-10-15 10-48-43

Press "configure" and choose AngryGhidraPlugin checkbox:

Screenshot from 2020-10-15 10-52-59

Let me know if it'll work for you

That was it! Thank you very much

You're welcome