
Typo3 Error during precompilation - Files not found

Closed this issue · 5 comments

If i choose an extension in the backend module, it will produce a Typo3 Error message which say that no partials were found... even if this extension is a core extension.


I think the problem is that the precompiler doesn't respect the whole path of the render viewhelper (the same happens for the layouts)



TYPO3/Fluid#348 may be related - this patch is included in TYPO3 8.7.11 I believe it was, so please make sure you have the latest version installed.

The version is 8.7.12 (a fresh install)

And if i look inside the Fluid source code (vendor folder), the mentioned patch is there...

I have a fix for this issue. But it exposed some other annoyances, so I have to take a little tour down the rabbit hole.

The next release of Fluid will take care of this problem. I'm going to take the liberty of closing this issue pre-emptively. If you desperately need to test it, you can temporarily require typo3fluid/fluid:dev-master.

Thank you very much! I think i can wait till the next official bugfix version of the Typo3 Core :)