2021 Fall: Computational Semantics Term Project

Chinese Wiki-Based Word Sense Disambiguation

  1. Topic

    Chinese Wiki-Based Word Sense Disambiguation

  2. Data

    • Crawled from Wikipedia, cleaned and preprocessed by myself
    • 164 words with # of fine-grained senses >=2
  3. Phrase list: https://gist.github.com/indiejoseph/eae09c673460aa0b56db

  4. The Experimented WSD Algorithms

    (1) tfidf (inspired by https://www.itread01.com/hkyecfy.html)

    (2) Lesk++ (inspired by Simple Embedding-Based Word Sense Disambiguation)

  5. Result

    (1) tfidf

    • Train: Test = 1:1, Total TestSize = 28,517 // No randomization
    • Total Accuracy: 46.6% // Coarse-grained Accuracy

    (2) Lesk++

    • Train: Test = 7:3, Total TestSize = 8,576 // with randomization
    • Total Accuracy: 59.34 % // Coarse-grained Accuracy
  6. Future Expectations

    (1) cleaning and reviewing data manually

    (2) extending dataset size

    (3) application on WSD fine-grained task: named entity (exploiting features of Wikipedia)

Check doc for more details.