
Frontend improvements

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Issues to make UI more homogeneous:

  • On all tables, replace User UUID by link to this user profle
  • Instead of application UUID on History page, display a link to the actual application's details page
  • For al other UUID in tables, put a pretty name and a tooltip with UUID

Informations available:

  • On Machines' detail page, display which image were used to boot it
  • Correlate data in History CSV file with data available
  • Toast for file upload success instead of displaying an upload history
  • Renaming an application does not refesh ember data. A refresh is needed to display new names
  • Renaming an image does not refresh ember data either
  • When a user isn't affected to a group or its group doesn't have any image, application page is empty: we should add a message there

Put more information on dashboard:

  • Images number
  • How many files uploaded (cumulated size)


  • Graphic bug when there is 3 image (see screen capture bellow)
  • Column "pool size" in brocker log is wrongly named. It should be "Running machines"

capture du 2016-10-17 14-18-17