
Yet Another SATORI on JavaScript

Primary LanguageMakefile


Yet Another SATORI on JavaScript

Original SHIORI module

SATORI by The Maintenance Shop


npm install libsatori.js


bower install libsatori.js

or download zip archive and get libsatori.js


This module has only low level API, that is provided by emscripten.

So use the wrapper module, nativeshiori, and do like below.

<script src="encoding.min.js"></script>
<script src="nativeshiori.js"></script>
<script src="libsatori.js"></script>

var dic_test_txt_str = '*OnBoot\r\n:Hello World\r\n';
var dic_test_txt = Encoding.convert(Encoding.stringToCode(dic_test_txt_str), 'SJIS', 'UNICODE');
var storage = {
  'dic_test.txt': new Uint8Array(dic_test_txt) // filename: ArrayBufferView

// Shiori instance and optional storage (/path/to/ghost/master/*)
var nativeshiori = new NativeShiori(new Satori(), storage);

// write files in storage to FS then load() if storage exists, else load()
var load_code = nativeshiori.load('/path/to/ghost/master'); 

// request()
var response = nativeshiori.request('GET SHIORI/3.0\r\nCharset: Shift_JIS\r\ID: OnBoot\r\n\r\n');

// unload()
var unload_code = nativeshiori.unload();



(C) 2016 Narazaka : Licensed under The BSD 3-Clause License