
Verbose option missing on Windows

Freekers opened this issue · 5 comments

I compiled keepass-diff on Windows with VS2019 Build Tools including C++ support. However, the Verbose option is missing

PS D:\Downloads\keepass-diff\keepass-diff> keepass-diff.exe -h
keepass-diff 0.3.0
Joern Bernhardt
Shows differences between two .kdbx files

    keepass-diff.exe [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <INPUT-A> <INPUT-B>

    -h, --help             Prints help information
    -C, --no-color         Disables color output
        --no-password-a    Sets no password for the first file (and will not ask for it)
        --no-password-b    Sets no password for the second file (and will not ask for it)
        --no-passwords     Sets no password for both files (and will not ask for both files)
    -V, --version          Prints version information

        --keyfile-a <keyfile-a>      Sets the key file for the first file
        --keyfile-b <keyfile-b>      Sets the key file for the second file
        --keyfiles <keyfiles>        Sets the same key file for both files (keyfile-a and keyfile-b would take
                                     precedence if set as well)
        --password-a <password-a>    Sets the password for the first file (will be asked for if omitted)
        --password-b <password-b>    Sets the password for the second file (will be asked for if omitted)
        --passwords <passwords>      Sets the password for both files (if it's the same for both files)

    <INPUT-A>    Sets the first file
    <INPUT-B>    Sets the second file
PS D:\Downloads\keepass-diff\keepass-diff>

It's strange that you don't see a 1.0.0 version string when running --help. Did you compile the latest master? The verbose option got in there recently - I think I haven't published it to yet

Also I don't have a windows box available currently to test this out myself, but looking at the version string, I'd suspect you're using an older version from

I'm new to rust. I installed it using cargo install keepass-diff which does indeed seems to download it from, so that might be the culprit.

Yes, that looks like it. Let me check what held me back from publishing and then I'll give you a heads-up as soon as the new version is published

I have published a version 1.0.0 now @Freekers - can you have a look again, please?

Thank you! I was able to download and build version 1.0.0 now from and the verbose option is now working :)