
Create binaries automatically

Narigo opened this issue · 3 comments

There should be a button to generate keepass-diff binaries for different OSes and they should be automatically published to GitHub pages somewhere.

Hi @daxartio this looks nice! What do the raw / endraw things do? 🤔 I have never seen such codes in GitHub actions. Another thing I'm just a bit concerned about: Providing secrets to a GitHub action that is not built or not coming from an official GitHub organization... is there a GitHub release action by GitHub themselves?
If not, that would concern me a bit: I don't know how much their action could change / make changes to the source code along the way. keepass-diff can be used to read passwords, so I'd like to avoid dependencies that could tamper with it as much as possible. Is there a way to pin an action to a specific version and ensure their dependencies cannot change as well, so we can make sure there is no change to the binaries or something?

What do the raw / endraw things do?

This repository is a template that uses cargo-generate and the constructions raw / endraw escape the file which uses specific symbols

About softprops/action-gh-release

I agree. We can use specific version and check hashsum of files. We can create our action as well.