
Documentation Issues: Explanation of output

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Maybe i've missed the documentation, but i didnt find any explanation of the meaning of the output.

it was nice to know what + means:

A) Available in left file but not in right file
B) Available in right file but not in left file
c) available in both files but right(left) one is newer

same for - and ~

Suggestion: do a output of the filename first, so anyone can see which color belongs to which file
Suggestion2: output the last modification timestamp of the corresponding entry

Or: tell me that i am completely wrong ;) and how i do better.

Thank you again,

Narigo commented

Hi @abc2006, good idea to add it to the documentation! This is definitely not self-explanatory and I need to look it up myself as well. It should be the same as the regular diff command, meaning + "this is in the left file" and - meaning "this is in the right file".

The ~ is only in the verbose output, so you can basically see which parent / groups are available in both files. This "tree" kind of view is something that you don't really have in the diff command.

I don't actually know whether there is a last modification timestamp for me to read. I haven't checked this, to be honest, so I need to look into it. Maybe this is also something that the newer keepass-rs version could allow.

Thanks for the suggestions and feel free to add an explanation of the output to the file, if you want to. Happy to take contributions here :)


thanks for the explanation.

As you can see, there is both, creation and modification timestamp availabe (dont ask me for the source code ;)

is keepass-rs the successor of keepass-diff?
if yes, is it already available for testing?

As you see in my other issue, it looks like i could use the tool regularly xD
So i was happy to deliver more issues and ideas ;)

feel free to add an explanation of the output to the

Let me see, as soon as my other issue is solved, i will work it out and add it over there.

Thanks for your work,


Narigo commented

is keepass-rs the successor of keepass-diff? if yes, is it already available for testing?

keepass-rs is the underlying dependency that keepass-diff is using to be able to read .kdbx files. It basically enables us to create the diff at all 🙂 @sseemayer recently worked on keepass-rs again and made a few updates. I haven't come around to updating and testing it yet.

I need to look into what we can provide regarding the times. I would add this as a flag though instead of adding more colors or similar as I want to keep it as close to the original way of how diff works. Some people may already use the output in some automations 🤯

keepass-rs is the underlying dependency
Oh, i was able to know this already if i had a closer look to the sources. Thanks for explanation anyway.

I want to keep it as close to the original way of how diff works.
Absolutely, i am a huge fan of adding features but leaving the standard output unchanged.