
Stateful and Statless Widget

adriank opened this issue ยท 12 comments


You removed Stateful and Statless Widget from this library because Dart Code has them. How to access them? I don't see anything similar in their documentation.


Yes, same here. please bring these back!!!

like now!

I hava install the older version. but it's fell bad.

I removed Stateful/Stateless widget from the extension since they are included with the official DartCode plugin and would sometimes conflict with one another while typing. I've noticed a few times while coding that intelisense would show Stateful templates from both Awesome Flutter Snippets and Dart code making it easy to accidentally chose the wrong snippet.

That said, I will add both snippets back to the plugin and release an update later today since a lot of people have requested that they are re-added.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

@Nash0x7E2 how did you get these snippets from the official dart-code extension? They are not there. Maybe you have them from another extension?

They usually come up whenever I start typing "state..." or whenever I hit Ctrl + Space.

I have no other Flutter related extensions installed so I'm positive they're coming from DartCode. The three snippets I see the most are Stateless Widgets, Stateful Widget and Stateful widget with animation controller.

I just checked the source and yes, it is indeed coming from DartCode

I see the same snippets, but they're gone if I move to the new version of your extension. Maybe VSC assigned shortcuts to your extension and they're not available from Dart-code?

That's really strange but I'll have the snippets added back to the extension this evening.

@Nash0x7E2 Thanks man!
Dart-Code snippet shortcuts are not intuitive, I didn't event notice until I read your release notes... then I had to find them to see event if they existed, and are even functioning as expected.

Do notify here as you post update.


@adriank @ch3ckmat3 The fix is live on the VsCode marketplace.

Thanks for bringing the snippets back! ๐Ÿ‘

For anyone else not seeing the Flutter snippets from Dart-Code (I also didn't know about them and didn't see them):
That might be related to Dart-Code/Dart-Code#1625 and should be fixed in v2.26.0 reading the milestone comments.