
App self-closes on attempting to play analyzed clips - Win 10

Lorilin opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi Nate!
First of all...It's so nice that you're creating this app for all of us to use...I can only imagine how much time and energy you've put into it.

I've tried version 2020.3.1.0 on both my Win 10 Laptop and Desktop, with latest versions of VLC installed plus the h.265 codec. I can start TeslaCamViewer, browse to the USB, select a subfolder with clips in it, and the app then does its little "analyzing" dance. But when I click to play when it finished analyzing, the app just closes itself and disappears. I do have HW3, if that makes any difference. Can you suggest something for me to try? I've not tried any of the earlier versions yet.

I have a little screen capture of the issue here:

BTW, on my Laptop I also get a popup saying that VLC is not the default player (but it is). I don't get this same popup on my Desktop.

Hey Lorilin,
One thing to try before sending me the log files is try switching to Windows Media Player and seeing if things will play with it. This can be found at the top of the application settings (Gear Icon). You may have to right click a folder and click "Re-encode Files" before they will play correctly with WMP.

Can you send me a copy of the log files so I can see if it's giving us any idea as to why it's closing?
These can be found by clicking the Gear icon and then clicking View Log Files. Email me the latest log file to
One other place to check is Windows Event Viewer. Open "event viewer" and under Windows Logs -> Application or System and check if anything pops up in one of those locations. If VLC has an issue and the VLC ActiveX Plugin crashes then TCV won't get the error report and it will just close unexpectedly. This would be similar to issue #13

Hi Nick! Thanks for the quick response! I've got it working on my Laptop now, using VLC. Windows Media Player didn't work, so I uninstalled VLC and reinstalled, rebooted, and now I am having fun viewing my Sentry Mode files (the left repeater caught a little kid admiring my car, which is hilarious!). I've not yet tried on my desktop, but will let you know how that works out.

I had the same issue and reinstalling VLC with x64 version worked for me. The readme link provided somehow downloads x32 VLC.