
NodeJS script for sending grafana based email reports

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Intro: This script allows one to programmatically send images of dashboard tiles in an email. This tool requires the following:

  • Grafana >V6
  • An SM/TP username/password. Example shows using gmail
  • NodeJS >V12
  • Grafana API key (except in the rare case of an unsecured dashboard like https://play.grafana.org/ )


  • Specify an array of panels with descriptions
  • [Optional], sends a test email first to an email of your choosing and awaits confirmation before emailing your provided list

Example Email:


Setup: Clone & npm install

git clone https://github.com/NateZimmer/grafana-email.js.git grafana_email
cd grafana_email
npm install

Normal usage:

node grafana-email.js -file sample_report.json


This script operates based on a config json file that is passed in via the -file argument.

Example config:

    "server_url": "https://play.grafana.org", 
    "dashboard_name": "grafana-play-home",
    "dashboard_id": "000000012",
    "email_subject": "Grafana report email", 
    "title": "Grafana report email",
    "intro_text":"This is a demo of grafana-email.js",
    "footer_text": "This was a very neat email. Goodbye",
    "smtp_host": "smtp.gmail.com",
    "smtp_port": 465,
    "smtp_user": "yourSMTP@gmail.com",
    "smtp_password": "[your password]",
    "sender_contact": "Your Name [Your contact email]",
    "grafana_api_token": "",
    "time_start": "now-2h",
    "time_end": "now",
    "panel_list": [
            "desc": "This is a plot of servers",
            "height": 600,
            "width": 1000
            "id": 4,
            "desc": "This is a memory plot" 
            "desc":"Login information"
Key Required? Description
server_url, yes your server URL, be sure to avoid a trailing /
dashboard_name yes dashboard name
dashboard_id yes dashboard id, this is a part of the url and is a numeric/alpha-numeric string
email_subject yes email subject
title yes appears at top of email body
intro_text yes explain your email, appears after title
footer_text yes text for end of email
smtp_host yes your smtp host
smtp_port yes [int], smtp server port, 465 in case of gmail
smtp_user yes your smtp username
smtp_password yes plain text password, yes, SAD!
sender_contact yes opportunity to provide alternate contact info other than smtp address
_test_email no if present, an email will first be sent to this address for you to review and a cli prompt will require you to confirm before you send it to the provided email list
grafana_api_token yes leave as an empty string if you are using an unsecure dashboard
time_start no provide a starting time , now-2d
time_end no provide an ending time, now
panel_list yes an array of panel objects, see next table for description

Panel objects

The panel_list is an array of objects. See below for details

Key Required? Description
id yes panel id, can be viewed in grafana by viewing the json of the panel
desc yes provide a description for the panel, appears in email above panel
height no rendered pixel height of panel
width no rendered pixel width of panel
dashboard_name no allows you to provide an alternate dashboard to pull panel from
dashboard_id no allows you to provide an alternate dashboard to pull panel from
min_size no deals with grafana bug of image failing to render, can specify a custom size the image must be greater than
query no can specify additional query parameters to be added to image download. This allows manipulate dashboard variables. E.g. &var-my_variable_1=50&var-my_variable_2=100.


If there is a feature missing, I recommend you add it yourself. At the end of the day this script is fairly simple.


https://grafana.com/ is an amazing tool brought to us by amazing people. Reality is we all need to eat. Grafana enterprise has some report system but for the rest of us, we have scripts.