
Basic linked list library

Primary LanguageC


Basic linked list library for C


Snippet from main.c

    // Create list, must be set to null initially 
    list_t my_list = { .head= NULL, .tail=NULL};

    // String example but can be arbitrary data type & len 
    char * truth[ARR_LEN] ={ "The ","cake ","is ","a ","lie!"};

    for(i = 0; i < ARR_LEN; i++){ // Fill list: 
        list_push(&my_list, truth[i], strlen(truth[i]));
    printf("Print list: \r\n");
    print_list(&my_list); // "The cake is a lie!"
    printf("Pop & Print: \r\n");
    list_pop(&my_list, NULL); 
    print_list(&my_list); // "The cake is a "

    printf("Shift & Print: \r\n");
    list_shift(&my_list, NULL);
    print_list(&my_list); // "cake is a "
    printf("List length is: %d\r\n",list_len(&my_list)); // 3

    printf("Grab data from end and put at start: \r\n");
    data = list_pop(&my_list, &len); 
    list_shift_in(&my_list, data, len); 
    print_list(&my_list); // "a cake is "

Source files are ll.c & ll.h

License: MIT
