Compatible with NativeScript 7 and iOS 14?
jessorlisa opened this issue ยท 3 comments
jessorlisa commented
Is this package compatible with the latest NativeScript 7 and iOS 14?
Thanks for a short feedback! ;)
NathanaelA commented
Hi @jessorlisa - Sorry, honestly have not had time to test it. I don't see any reason it wouldn't be...
tralves commented
@jessorlisa did you test it in NS7? Did it work?
jessorlisa commented
It is working with {N} 7 and the JSC runtime:
โโโ nativescript@7.0.11
โโโ @nativescript/core@7.0.13
โโโ @nativescript/ios@6.5.3 <--- latest JSC version
We had too many issues with the v8 runtime (not only with this plugin) so we downgraded to the JSC runtime.