
EMu image returns 404

Opened this issue · 4 comments

EMu object 200017 includes an image whose name includes square brackets. The name is converted to an HTTP URL which then returns 404.

I don't know whether this relates to the square brackets, or if that's just a coincidence, and the image is just missing.

The problematic image is no longer visible in the API now, because there are Piction images available, and they cause the EMu image to be hidden.

Per discussion just now, I will generate a list of all image URLs, and @f27wood will arrange to crawl the list at NMA, to work out the scale of any issue with broken image URLs.

I have run this query and generated a list of all the images

PREFIX crm: <>
SELECT ?imageUrl
	?resource a crm:E36_Visual_Item.
	# only top level visual items (those which directly represent a physical object)
	?resource ^crm:P138i_has_representation ?object.
	# actual images which depict those abstract visual items
	?resource crm:P138i_has_representation ?imageUrl.