
File missing?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

$ python3 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 8, in <module>
    from tqdm import tqdm
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tqdm'

The instructions for running seem to be located at:

It looks like it's intended to be run inside a Jupyter Notebook. Perhaps that is the problem?

It looks like it's intended to be run inside a Jupyter Notebook. Perhaps that is the problem?

Yes, it is twice a problem.

First, the README doesn't mention this small fact (and I find it plain weird that one must execute interpretable source code in a "web-based interactive environment for creating Jupyter notebook documents", as that's what Jupyter Notebook is, according to Wiki).

Second - I'd recommend making it less dependent on exotic platforms. Some people use "normal" text editors (Emacs, vi, BBedit, etc. - not a web-based monstrosity) and a shell to run the interpretor (python executable). Others prefer a full-fledged IDE like PyCharm, or IDEA with a Python plugin, or Visual Studio Code with a Python plugin.

Catering for the first group (assume the user has a text editor and a terminal with shell) seems optimal. If you must insert a dependency on some weird software - why not use IDEA (as it has free Community Edition and runs on all the platforms) or Visual Studio Code (as it's free and runs on all the platforms)?

have you tried pip install tqdm? pip3 install tqdm? apt-get tqdm? or if you are in the jupyter environment since I can see you love it so much try !pip install tqdm. There is no dependency tied into jupyter that you can't resolve, download these packages and run jupyter nbconvert --to script MasterEnigmaCracker.ipynb in CMD to produce a python script

Since a workaround has been suggested to resolve the dependency, I'll close this.