Lat Lon Tools expression to be used in array foreach
roelsantiago opened this issue · 13 comments
Is there a way to use the ddmmss expression instead of to_dms inside the array for each? see expression below:
replace (
array_to_string (
array_foreach (
generate_series (1, num_points( $geometry)-1),
to_dms (x(point_n( $geometry,@element)),'y',2, 'suffix') || ' ' ||
to_dms(y(point_n( $geometry,@element)),'x',2, 'suffix') || '\n'
The objective is to come up with an output of packed coordinates (Lat/Long) instead of the coordinates with symbols.
You could do something like this.
replace (
array_to_string (
array_foreach (
generate_series (1, num_points( $geometry)-1),
ddmmss(y(point_n( $geometry,@element)), x(point_n( $geometry,@element)), 'yx',0,'')
This is the output for a simple polygon.
You can use
Perhaps I should add an optional crs parameter to ddmmss to make it easier.
I updated Lat Lon Tools to version 3.5.8 so you can now add an optional CRS parameter for your input coordinate like this:
ddmmss(3301866.78, -9081576.13, 'yx', 0, ', ', 'EPSG:3857')
You would do something like this:
replace (
array_to_string (
array_foreach (
generate_series (1, num_points( $geometry)-1),
ddmmss(y(point_n( $geometry,@element)), x(point_n( $geometry,@element)), 'yx', 0, '', 'EPSG:3857')
You will need to use the proper EPSG code for your input coordinates. I don't know what you are using.
@roelsantiago Usually it is best to open a new ticket, but I will reopen this one. I didn't add a decimal degree routine because you can naturally get the x and y decimal coordinates from $x and $y. If you need to you can transform your coordinate first. I don't know if it is worth adding a Lat Lon Tools expression to format the entire string all at once.
@roelsantiago I decided to add two more expressions and should have a new Lat Lon Tools release before the end of the week.
I released Lat Lon Tools 3.6.2. There is a new function called ll_dd. Let me know how it works out for you.
@roelsantiago Glad it works for you.