
angular 14+ modal back navigation issue

BalintVegh opened this issue · 1 comments


  • CLI: 8.4.0
  • Cross-platform modules: 8.4.0
  • Android Runtime: 8.4.0
  • iOS Runtime: 8.4.1
  • NativeScript-Angular: 14+
  • Angular: 14+

After closing a modal (contains page-router-outlet) in the second screen and navigating back to Home Screen, then automatically runs a new Home Screen navigation.

I checked with the navigationTo event: it fires like forward navigation too.
navigatedTo event in Home Screen after closing modal and navigating back (event fires twice):

  1. isBackNavigation: false
  2. isBackNavigation: true

This happens on android and on ios.
The latest version of Angular 13 and @nativescript/angular 13 is working fine, but nothing above it.

Sample project

I'm experiencing the same issue whenever a modal is opened using the ModalDialogParams library. Did you find a solution?