
NgOnDestroy no longer being called when navigating to another route

JakeAi opened this issue · 8 comments

Provide version numbers for the following components (information can be retrieved by running tns info in your project folder or by inspecting the package.json of the project):

  • CLI: 8.2.3
  • Cross-platform modules: 8.2.1
  • Android Runtime: 8.2.2
  • iOS Runtime: 8.2.2
  • Plugin(s):
  • NativeScript-Angular: 13.0.3
  • Angular: 13.2.4

Describe the bug

JS: Angular is running in development mode. Call enableProdMode() to enable production mode.
JS: Error: Could not find font file for Font Awesome 5 Pro
JS: light
JS: ns-light
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: shouldReuseRoute result: true
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy.replaceState pushing new state: [object Object], title: , url: /scan, queryParams:
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy.prepareExternalUrl() internal: /scan
JS: ns-router: PageRouterOutlet.activateWith() - Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'scan', path:'scan')->Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'', path:'')
JS: ns-router: Activated route marked as page: Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'scan', path:'scan')->Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'', path:'')
JS: ns-router: PageRouterOutlet.activate() forward navigation - create detached loader in the loader container
JS: ngOnInit
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy._beginPageNavigation()
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy._setNavigationOptions({"clearHistory":false,"animated":true,"transition":{"name":"fade"}})
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: shouldReuseRoute result: true
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: shouldReuseRoute result: false
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy.path(): /scan
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy.pushState state: [object Object], title: , url: /device-logs, queryParams:
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy.prepareExternalUrl() internal: /device-logs
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: shouldDetach isBack: false key: Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'scan', path:'scan')->Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'', path:'') result: true
JS: ns-router: PageRouterOutlet.detach() - Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'scan', path:'scan')->Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'', path:'')
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: store key: Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'scan', path:'scan')->Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'', path:''), state: [object Object]
JS: ns-router: Currently not in page back navigation - component should be detached instead of deactivated.
JS: ns-router: Currently not in page back navigation - component should be detached instead of deactivated.
JS: ns-router: PageRouterOutlet.activateWith() - Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'device-logs', path:'device-logs')->Route(url:'', path:'')
JS: ns-router: Activated route marked as page: Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'device-logs', path:'device-logs')->Route(url:'', path:'')
JS: ns-router: PageRouterOutlet.activate() forward navigation - create detached loader in the loader container
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy._beginPageNavigation()
JS: ns-router: nsRouterLink.tapped: /scan clear: false transition: "fade" duration: undefined
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy._setNavigationOptions({"clearHistory":false,"animated":true,"transition":{"name":"fade"}})
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: shouldReuseRoute result: true
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: shouldReuseRoute result: false
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: shouldAttach isBack: false key: Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'scan', path:'scan')->Route(url:'', path:'') result: false
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: shouldAttach isBack: false key: Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'scan', path:'scan')->Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'', path:'') result: false
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy.path(): /device-logs
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy.pushState state: [object Object], title: , url: /scan, queryParams:
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy.prepareExternalUrl() internal: /scan
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: shouldDetach isBack: false key: Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'device-logs', path:'device-logs')->Route(url:'', path:'') result: true
JS: ns-router: PageRouterOutlet.detach() - Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'device-logs', path:'device-logs')->Route(url:'', path:'')
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: store key: Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'device-logs', path:'device-logs')->Route(url:'', path:''), state: [object Object]
JS: ns-router: Currently not in page back navigation - component should be detached instead of deactivated.
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: shouldAttach isBack: false key: Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'scan', path:'scan')->Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'', path:'') result: false
JS: ns-router: PageRouterOutlet.activateWith() - Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'scan', path:'scan')->Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'', path:'')
JS: ns-router: Activated route marked as page: Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'scan', path:'scan')->Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'', path:'')
JS: ns-router: PageRouterOutlet.activate() forward navigation - create detached loader in the loader container
JS: ngOnInit
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy._beginPageNavigation()
JS: ns-router: nsRouterLink.tapped: /settings clear: true transition: "fade" duration: undefined
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy._setNavigationOptions({"clearHistory":true,"animated":true,"transition":{"name":"fade"}})
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: shouldReuseRoute result: true
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: shouldReuseRoute result: false
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy.path(): /scan
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy.pushState state: [object Object], title: , url: /settings, queryParams:
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy.prepareExternalUrl() internal: /settings
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: shouldDetach isBack: false key: Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'scan', path:'scan')->Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'', path:'') result: true
JS: ns-router: PageRouterOutlet.detach() - Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'scan', path:'scan')->Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'', path:'')
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: store key: Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'scan', path:'scan')->Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'', path:''), state: [object Object]
JS: ns-router: Currently not in page back navigation - component should be detached instead of deactivated.
JS: ns-router: Currently not in page back navigation - component should be detached instead of deactivated.
JS: ns-router: PageRouterOutlet.activateWith() - Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'settings', path:'settings')->Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'', path:'')
JS: ns-router: Activated route marked as page: Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'settings', path:'settings')->Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'', path:'')
JS: ns-router: PageRouterOutlet.activate() forward navigation - create detached loader in the loader container
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy._beginPageNavigation()
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy._beginPageNavigation clearing states history
JS: Avoid using ListView or ScrollView with no explicit height set inside StackLayout. Doing so might results in poor user interface performance and a poor user experience.
JS: Avoid using ListView or ScrollView with no explicit height set inside StackLayout. Doing so might results in poor user interface performance and a poor user experience.
JS: ns-router: nsRouterLink.tapped: /scan clear: false transition: "fade" duration: undefined
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy._setNavigationOptions({"clearHistory":false,"animated":true,"transition":{"name":"fade"}})
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: shouldReuseRoute result: true
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: shouldReuseRoute result: false
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: shouldAttach isBack: false key: Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'scan', path:'scan')->Route(url:'', path:'') result: false
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: shouldAttach isBack: false key: Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'scan', path:'scan')->Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'', path:'') result: false
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy.path(): /settings
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy.pushState state: [object Object], title: , url: /scan, queryParams:
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy.prepareExternalUrl() internal: /scan
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: shouldDetach isBack: false key: Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'settings', path:'settings')->Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'', path:'') result: true
JS: ns-router: PageRouterOutlet.detach() - Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'settings', path:'settings')->Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'', path:'')
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: store key: Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'settings', path:'settings')->Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'', path:''), state: [object Object]
JS: ns-router: Currently not in page back navigation - component should be detached instead of deactivated.
JS: ns-router: Currently not in page back navigation - component should be detached instead of deactivated.
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: shouldAttach isBack: false key: Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'scan', path:'scan')->Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'', path:'') result: false
JS: ns-router: PageRouterOutlet.activateWith() - Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'scan', path:'scan')->Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'', path:'')
JS: ns-router: Activated route marked as page: Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'scan', path:'scan')->Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'', path:'')
JS: ns-router: PageRouterOutlet.activate() forward navigation - create detached loader in the loader container
JS: ngOnInit
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy._beginPageNavigation()
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy._setNavigationOptions({"clearHistory":false,"animated":true,"transition":{"name":"fade"}})
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: shouldReuseRoute result: true
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: shouldReuseRoute result: false
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: shouldAttach isBack: false key: Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'device-logs', path:'device-logs')->Route(url:'', path:'') result: false
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy.path(): /scan
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy.pushState state: [object Object], title: , url: /device-logs, queryParams:
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy.prepareExternalUrl() internal: /device-logs
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: shouldDetach isBack: false key: Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'scan', path:'scan')->Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'', path:'') result: true
JS: ns-router: PageRouterOutlet.detach() - Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'scan', path:'scan')->Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'', path:'')
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: store key: Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'scan', path:'scan')->Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'', path:''), state: [object Object]
JS: ns-router: Currently not in page back navigation - component should be detached instead of deactivated.
JS: ns-router: Currently not in page back navigation - component should be detached instead of deactivated.
JS: ns-route-reuse-strategy: shouldAttach isBack: false key: Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'device-logs', path:'device-logs')->Route(url:'', path:'') result: false
JS: ns-router: PageRouterOutlet.activateWith() - Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'device-logs', path:'device-logs')->Route(url:'', path:'')
JS: ns-router: Activated route marked as page: Route(url:'', path:'')->Route(url:'device-logs', path:'device-logs')->Route(url:'', path:'')
JS: ns-router: PageRouterOutlet.activate() forward navigation - create detached loader in the loader container
JS: ns-router: NSLocationStrategy._beginPageNavigation()

To Reproduce

Expected behavior
If ngOnInit is being called, why wouldn't ngOnDestroy be called? I am using nsRouterLink to navigate to complete different routes.

Are you using clearHistory? ngOnDestroy is not called on forward navigation because the component is reused on back navigation.

Are you using clearHistory? ngOnDestroy is not called on forward navigation because the component is reused on back navigation.

Everywhere except a couple spots is set to true.

@edusperoni here's an example of what @JakeAi is experiencing.

Note that ngOnDestroy will get called on the back event to close the app in this scenario.

@edusperoni here's an example of what @JakeAi is experiencing.

Note that ngOnDestroy will get called on the back event to close the app in this scenario.

I can confirm that is what I am seeing and experiencing. Thanks for the reproduction.

@edusperoni can confirm. NativeScript/nativescript-angular#2026 is probably related. Would it be possible to publish your fix as a separate version so we can use while waiting for the merge, because my workaround is not perfect. Thanks.

Latest alpha contains this fix and a few more, please try that!

What is the state of this issue? I've noticed this stopped working after upgrading to Angular 13. Is there a workaround?

@jnorkus try installing the latest alpha, as this issue should be fixed there. I think we should move it to stable this week