
presentationStyle, height and width don't work in showModal.

howieluo opened this issue · 0 comments

I change the property fullscreen and added a new property ios like below in nativescript-sdk-examples-js/app/ns-ui-category/modal-view/basics/basics-page.js:

function openModal(args) {
const mainView = args.object;
const option = {
context: { username: "test_username", password: "test" },
closeCallback: (username, password) => {
// Receive data from the modal view. e.g. username & password
alert(Username: ${username} : Password: ${password});
fullscreen: false,
ios: {
presentationStyle: 7,
height: 100,
width: 50

mainView.showModal(modalViewModule, option);


But, I find that presentationStyle, height and width don't work. The modal view is almost full screen.