
SEO Brute force needed

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Hi @devernay It seems to be a good time to make this site SEO friendly. I believe this will give the site proper SEO. As it needs personal involvement I believe you are the best to hold the power to this.

I did that a few days ago (thus the sitemap.txt), I'll check again in a few days if it gets processed. Fahad and Omar, can you please send me the email corresponding to your google account so that can add you as owners too?

to my email: frederic.devernay at m4x dot org

Hi my mail is contact.fahadpathik at gmail dot com
Let me known please if something is needed. Thanks

OK, added you both with full permissions in
Good news, doesn't seem to appear in google searches, and appears instead. I'm closing this issue.

All set. Confirmed. Thanks!

Thanks Fred