
Feature: Flag known scam usernames

JPBM135 opened this issue · 3 comments

Using a list of regexes provided by the Open Source Aero bot and refactored by me:

		name: 'Discord_HypeSquad',
		regex: /discord\s+hype\s*squad/i,
		name: 'Discord_Events_Academy',
		regex: /(hype\s*squad|discord)\s+(events?|academy|team|mail)/i,
		name: 'Discord_Developers',
		regex: /discord\s+(developers?|api|bots?|message)?/i,
		name: 'Discord_Moderators',
		regex: /^discord\s+moderators?$/i,
		name: 'Academy_Staff',
		regex: /^academy\s+(staff|moderator)s?/i,
		name: 'Mod_Developers_Academy',
		regex: 	/(mod(erator)?('?s)?|hype\s*squad|developers?)\s+(academy|message|exam|team|events?)/i,
		name: 'Contact_Hype',
		regex: /contact\s*(hype|events?)/i,
		name: 'HypeSquad_Events',
		regex: /(hype)\s+(events?|messages?|apply|team)/i,

Link: Aero Repo

We currently flag suspicious accounts in a mod forum post through a different bot, I much prefer that approach to automated actions, as it allows us to be much more lenient with what we flag.

Currently, this system implements the pre- and suffix wildcards discord uses for their automod and a modal command as "editor" and also takes care of confusables, special characters and whitespace.

Eventually, this should move to yuudachi as well.

A list looks like this at the moment:

*academy*, applicationmail, *badges*, betamail, botmod*, breadcatbounce, bugmail, communitysupport, dbug, devbot, developerbadge, developerintents, developermessage, developerrequest, devmod*, *devolper*, *discord*, dlscord*, eventsmessage, eventssup*, eventsteam, examhype, formulary*, gamesac*, hypeapply, hypeevent*, hypeform*, hypefrom*, hypemail, hypeme*, hypemember, *hypesquad*, hypesystem, modacademy*, modemail*, *moderador*, moderation*, *moderator*, modmail, nigge*, *oracademy, partner*, squadevent, squadhype, squadmail, staffevent, staffmail, staffmessage, staffnotice, supportbadg*, supportdiscord, systemmessage, testersstaff


We could consider a sort of manually toggled anti raid mode eventually, which could automatically action these and maybe even adapt the thresholds for other anti spam/scam filters

Will close this in favor of the anti-raid mode