
Log reply information

almostSouji opened this issue · 2 comments

Message replies are currently largely ignored in your logging mechanism.

This includes mention spam executed with mentioning replies that cannot be exposed through the currently logged information.
This information could and probably should be introduced in message logging mechanisms


  • Log the message id (and maybe link) of the message that is being replied to
  • Log when a user is mentioned through the reply mechanism, as it does not turn up in the logged message content, as with other message deletions.

If there's a way to differ non pinging replies from pinging ones, maybe the pinging ones should count against the mention threshold

I'm not sure if incorporating it into auto-moderation is a good idea. Fairly rapid mention replies are a valid strategy in support when helping multiple people

The idea here is more to make it verifiable if abuse is reported, as we currently have no way to do so