"/worldborder help" doesn't work, plus own commands are shown on chat log
Closed this issue · 6 comments
The /worldborder command does absolutely nothing for me. Not even a message that says "Unknown command." Just silence.
It should at least give you "commands.worldborder.usage",,,
I'm in 48 and it still works, although it still doesn't have help, and logs ownmade commands
Updated to build 54. Still no response to any variation of /worldborder.
Then you are not op. If you are not op carbon just silently ignores the command.
That may be because of the natural behavior of the world border itself:
IIRC, the border has the same size on all dimensions, even in the nether
where the dimensions are 8 times smaller compared to overworld's (don't
exactly know what happens when you make a portal in an area supposed to be
outside the border, but that's another topic). Anyway, the point is that
functionality may not be compatible with multiverse-ish plugins, as all
worlds will more likely have the same border size...
EDIT: This was a response to a comment Matmorcat made, but doesn't appear to show here :/
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