
Move constants to a json file?

srbharadwaj opened this issue · 1 comments

Can we move the below constants to a json file
so that in case url changes or a new AMC is added, we dont need to update the 'mftool' as such but can just edit the file
Idea is to separate all constants and logic to different files

for amc in [3,53,1,4,59,46,32,6,47,54,27,9,37,20,57,48,68,62,65,63,42,70,16,17,56,18,69,45,55,21,58,64,10,13,35,
# URL list
        self._get_quote_url = ''
        self._get_scheme_url = ''
        self._get_amc_details_url = ''
        self._get_fund_ranking = '' \
        self._get_open_ended_equity_scheme_url = '' \
        self._open_ended_equity_category = {'Large Cap': 'SEQ_LC','Large & Mid Cap': 'SEQ_LMC',
                                            'Multi Cap': 'SEQ_MLC','Mid Cap': 'SEQ_MC',
                                            'Small Cap': 'SEQ_SC','Value': 'SEQ_VAL',
                                            'ELSS': 'SEQ_ELSS','Contra': 'SEQ_CONT',
                                            'Dividend Yield': 'SEQ_DIVY','Focused': 'SEQ_FOC'}
        self._open_ended_debt_category = {'Long Duration' : 'SDT_LND', 'Medium to Long Duration': 'SDT_MLD',
                                          'Medium Duration':'SDT_MD','Short Duration':'SDT_SD',
                                          'Low Duration': 'SDT_LWD', 'Ultra Short Duration':'SDT_USD',
                                          'Liquid':'SDT_LIQ', 'Money Market':'SDT_MM',
                                          'Overnight':'SDT_OVNT', 'Dynamic Bond':'SDT_DB',
                                          'Corporate Bond':'SDT_CB', 'Credit Risk':'SDT_CR',
                                          'Banking and PSU':'SDT_BPSU', 'Floater':'SDT_FL',
                                          'FMP':'SDT_FMP', 'Gilt':'SDT_GL',
                                          'Gilt with 10 year constant duration': 'SDT_GL10CD'}
        self._open_ended_hybrid_category= {'Aggressive Hybrid':'SHY_AH','Balanced Hybrid':'SHY_BH',
                                            'Conservative Hybrid':'SHY_CH','Equity Savings':'SHY_EQS',
                                            'Arbitrage':'SHY_AR','Multi Asset Allocation':'SHY_MAA'}

Successfully moved all constant to json file and changes pushed in v1.6