
Tiny and beautiful URL shortening engine

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

TinyLink preview

Small and beautiful URL shortening engine built with fully responsive design and REST-like API.


Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute.

System Requirements

For correct system work, on your server must be installed:

  • PHP >= 5.3
  • Apache (with mod_rewrite)


Copy all system files to your server through FTP or from Control Panel of your hosting provider and go to admin panel(http://yoursite.com/admin), log in with this data:

  • login: admin
  • password: 123

then, go to the page - http://yoursite.com/admin/settings and change settings to yours. System installed! All the rest will do script program, there is nothing else necessary from you.


All template files are stored in /templates/*template_name*/ (default theme named clean). In the templates is used Smarty-similar marking, that why you will not have to correct any PHP code. Only HTML.

Available templates

  • /_layouts/mainLayout.tpl - general page layout, all the rest are exposed in it
  • /_layouts/error.tpl - error page template
  • /_layouts/redirectPage.tpl - template for link redirect page(if enabled in settings)
  • /_layouts/admin.tpl - general layout for admin panel (not recommend to edit)
  • /_static/ - here stored all CSS, JS files and also images
  • /index/index.tpl - general(index) page template
  • /links/view.tpl - template for link page (http://tinylink.nazarkin.su/pfy+)
  • /links/my.tpl - layout for user links page
  • /links/link.single.tpl - template for a single link in a user links page
  • /admin/index.tpl - general page of admin panel
  • /admin/settings.tpl - settings page template
  • /admin/login.tpl - template for login page
  • /admin/link.single.tpl - template for single link from a links list

Template variables

Global variables, works inside each template file:

  • {TITLE}, {KEYWORDS}, {DESCRIPTION} - SEO meta tags
  • {THEME} - path to theme folder
  • {SITEURL} - site url with end slash
  • {SITE_DOMAIN} - site domain without any slashes
  • {ACTION}, {CONTROLLER} - service variables
  • {container:content} - container for body of page
  • [flashmessage]{flashmessage}[/flashmessage] - block for display system messages


  • [without_password] .. [/without_password] - content of this block will only displayed for links without password protection
  • [with_password] .. [/with_password] - only for links with password protection
  • [wrong_password] .. [/wrong_password] - if entered password is incorrect
  • {full_url} - original URL


  • {errorMessage} - system error message

view.tpl and link.single.tpl:

  • password blocks as in redirect page template
  • {link_short} - shorten link
  • {link_url} - full link
  • {link_url_crop} - full link cropped to 70 symbols
  • {link_alias} - short link code
  • {link_visits} - count of link visits
  • {create_date} - link creation date
  • [has_title] {link_page_title} [/has_title] - link page title(from meta tag). Displayed only if available
  • [hasnt_title] .. [/hasnt_title] - iа title is not available
  • [has_description] {link_page_description} [/has_description] - block contains link description and displays only if description is available
  • [hasnt_description] [/hasnt_description] - only if description is not available
  • [is_author] .. [/is_author] - displayed only for author of this link


  • {linksflow} - list of links (generated from link.single.tpl template)
  • [has_pagination] {pagination} [/has_pagination] - displayed only if there are more then two pages


  • {linksflow} - list of links (generated from link.single.tpl template)
  • {linksCount} - count of all links shortened through engine
  • {linksToday} - count of links shortened today
  • [no_links] .. [/no_links] - displayed if there is no links
  • [has_pagination] {pagination} [/has_pagination] - displayed only if there are more then two pages

API Subsystem

To short link, you need to send POST request to http://yoursite.com/api/short with next parameters:

  • url - link to short. String.
  • alias - custom alias for this url. String.
  • password - password to protect url. String.
  • lifetime - link lifetime. Integer. Allowed values:
    • 1 - ten minutes
    • 2 - one hour
    • 3 - three hours
    • 4 - one day
    • 5 - one week
    • 6 - one month

Example response:

      "page_description":"Shuffle - Categorize, sort, and filter a responsive grid of items",
      "page_title":"GitHub - Vestride\/Shuffle: Categorize, sort, and filter a responsive grid of items",

To delete shorten link, send GET request to http://yoursite.com/api/delete/<linkAlias>
View all info about shorten link - GET request to http://yoursite.com/api/<linkAlias>

All responses is in JSON format.