"$gplay->getListApps ()" method doesn't return the full list of apps for category
Closed this issue · 3 comments
what list does it provide?
for example:
$apps_list = $gplay->getListApps( $category = \Nelexa\GPlay\Enum\CategoryEnum::GAME_RACING(), $ageLimit = null, $limit = 100000 );
returns only 13 apps, does GAMES_RACING category has only 13 apps?
even on play market website I get more apps
how I can get more apps/all apps in "Top New Free" collection?
Top New Free (https://play.google.com/store/apps/new/category/GAME_RACING)
I modified source class to use it with "Top New Free" collection, it returns more applications, but also not all from that webpage :(
this is strange.
Which country and language are used?
require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$redisClient = \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\RedisAdapter::createConnection('redis://localhost');
$redisCache = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\RedisAdapter($redisClient);
$cache = new \Symfony\Component\Cache\Psr16Cache($redisCache);
$gplay = new \Nelexa\GPlay\GPlayApps();
$appsList = $gplay->getListApps(
$category = \Nelexa\GPlay\Enum\CategoryEnum::GAME_RACING(),
$ageLimit = null,
$limit = 100000
var_dump(count($appsList)); // int(157)
$appsList = $gplay->getListApps(
$category = \Nelexa\GPlay\Enum\CategoryEnum::GAME_RACING(),
$ageLimit = null,
$limit = 100000
var_dump(count($appsList)); // int(160)
$appsList = $gplay->getListApps(
$category = \Nelexa\GPlay\Enum\CategoryEnum::GAME_RACING(),
$ageLimit = null,
$limit = 100000
var_dump(count($appsList)); // int(68)
$defaultLocale = 'en_US', $defaultCountry = 'us'
so the list is different for every country, wow!
thanks for so quick answer and for your great application!
I used your code(all except cache part, because it throws "Class not found" error)
and it returns me results:
on my PC(UA):
on server(DE):
I have also reinstalled the app with composer before running it :)