Missing AvailabilityCondition

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Since this is a service that despite being bookable online is also bookable via phone call. This call center may not be staffed 24/7 (so the case for Deutsche Bahn), this is why I would assume an optional AvailabilityCondition could be very helpful in those cases.

<xsd:element name="BookingContact" type="ContactStructure" minOccurs="0">

What is your opinion on that?

I think you should do this on the level of the bookingArrangements.
If you have a call center that has a limited opening hour you would add a Booking Arrangement for that with a validityCondition that reflects that:

		<BookingArrangement version="any" id="tbd:9100WIMBLDN@A1_SF">
				<ValidityConditionRef ref="businessHours"></ValidityConditionRef>
			<BookingNote>Be nice.</BookingNote>

This may result in you needing multiple BookingArrangements for different services.

@Aurige @skinkie do you concur?

You can also use different things within the validityConditions to express what you really want to express (e.g. Timeband)