Explicit nameOfRefClass check

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I think we must be able to generated a list of values that should be usable as nameOfRefClass, so we can prevent typo's here. I would love to see some sort of reusable enumeration which also could be used within TypeOfFrame.

Related to #650

Suggestion: creating 'inception' by adding the entire Class list in here?

        <xsd:simpleType name="NameOfClass">
                        <xsd:documentation>Type for name of a class of an ENTITY.</xsd:documentation>
                <xsd:restriction base="xsd:Name"/>

@skinkie frankly not quite clear, what I should do.

What we should do is the question. If we take all the classes in NeTEx and would add them here as an enumeration, it would give the ability to check the correct usage of nameOfRefClass. But once a class is added, it must be added here too. If we want to be more specific nameOfRefClass might also be limited based on the elements that can be used to refer. This would require a per Ref-element list of potential classes (and hopefully a default).

Also include FrameClassRef and ClassInFrameRef.

<FrameClassRef nameOfClass="CompositeFrame"/>
<ClassInFrameRef nameOfClass="DataManagedObject">Use Common definitions</ClassInFrameRef>