
Tutorial for Firebase

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Tutorial for Firebase integration

1. Account creation

Create yourself an account at Firebase

2. Go to the console

Click on the respective link in the upper right corner of Firebase or go here

3. Create new project

Just choose a name and leave everything on default.

4. Add Application

Click on ""Add Android Application to start" or similar. Put the following as package name:
If you already changed your package name, put the respective name.


Loom up the following link to create a SHA-1:

6. Add JSON to code

Download the google-services.json, copy the code and just replace the whole code in your Android project in Nearby-Shops-Android-app/app/google-services.json

7. Skip step 3

SUmeet already configured all of this

8. Wait for recognization

Clean project, build and start your app.
Then wait for Firebase to recognize your app.

9. Add database

Click on the database tab, create a new one.
Copy the link and put it into your at databse_url

10. Add Admin SDK

Go to your settings in Firebase(icon on the top of sideboard). Go to Service Accounts.
Then click on "Generate new private key"
Copy the key and paste it into your firebase_admin_sdk_key.json in your container. (Same directory as the file

Wow that's really wonderful !!!

You took a huge burdon away from me. I won't need to write that tutorial !!

Thanks ... truly appreciated !

you're welcome
It's nothing compared to your project 😄

i can't find api config directory

Hi guys, I can't find the file.
And how can I verify if Firebase has recognised my app?