Nebulale's Stars
DAMO-YOLO: a fast and accurate object detection method with some new techs, including NAS backbones, efficient RepGFPN, ZeroHead, AlignedOTA, and distillation enhancement.
A PyTorch Computer Vision (CV) module library for building n-D networks flexibly ~
A simple-to-use yet function-rich medical image processing toolbox
CYFS is the next-generation technology to build real Web3 by upgrading the basic protocol of Web (TCP/IP+DNS+HTTP),is short for CYberFileSystem., cyfs://cyfs/index_en.html.
For Jack language. Most of codes were commented with their usage, which can be useful for beginner to realize the running principle of a compiler for object-oriented programming language.
LakeSoul is an end-to-end, realtime and cloud native Lakehouse framework with fast data ingestion, concurrent update and incremental data analytics on cloud storages for both BI and AI applications.
MeterSphere 是新一代的开源持续测试工具,让软件测试工作更简单、更高效,不再成为持续交付的瓶颈。
minerproxy矿池中转,原创minerproxy,唯一正版,性能强大, 功能齐全, 9000台无压力不崩溃,BTC ETC ETH LTC等全币种无损抽水,体验拉满的minerproxy, 软防CC, 动态难度调整抽水,不爆内存。支持绝大部分币种的转发、加密、自定义抽水、精确到单台设备的24小时数据统计、自定义隧道推送工具、修改矿池本地算力...ETHminerproxy, BTCminerproxy, ETCminerproxy, LTCminerproxy, ERGminerproxy, CFXminerproxy, RVNminerproxy, SEROminerproxy, XMRminerproxy, CKBminerproxy, BEAMminerproxy, ALPHminerproxy, KASPAminerproxy,minerproxy, proxy, KT minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, minerproxy, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 矿池, 抽水, 抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水, 抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水,抽水, ETH, ETH,ETH,ETH,ETH,ETH,ETH,ETH,ETH,ETH,ETH,ETH,ETH,ETH,ETH,ETH,ETH,ETH,ETH,ETH,ETH, BTC, BTC, BTC, BTC, BTC, BTC, BTC, BTC, BTC, BTC, BTC, BTC, BTC, BTC, BTC, BTC, BTC, BTC, BTC, BTC, BTC, BTC, BTC, BTC, BTC
开源商城 JAVA商城 多语言商城 分销商城 uniapp商城 小程序商城 SAAS商城
PHP Laravel Telegram Bot
This is the source code of the 1st place solution for segmentation task in MICCAI 2020 TN-SCUI challenge.
Lingo3D is a web-first 3d game development library with React and Vue integration.
OpenSCA is an open source software supply chain security solution that supports the detection of open source dependencies, vulnerabilities and license compliance with a widely noticed accuracy by the community.
The next generation deep reinforcement learning tookit
Yet another Airflow plugin using CLI command as RESTful api, supports Airflow v2.X.
MAX30105 full function driver library for general MCU and Linux.
Cyber Security ALL-IN-ONE Platform
MinerProxy(中文名:加密挖全球 ),采用IOCP超高性能的网络框架编写,具有稳定性高,传输速度快,并发强等优点。可快速实现一键搭建任意矿池(ETH/ETC/RVN/ERGO/AE/BTC等)的中转节点,支持SSL加密,支持SSL矿池,支持任意第三方挖矿软件(包括OS系统),支持协议模拟功能,内网无需客户端即可SSL加密传输至VPS解密,并同时支持5个矿池的转发,有精准清晰的矿机数据展示列表,可方便配置合理抽水,自动拦截抽水增加业主算力。在保持业主算力不受大的影响的情况下,给予VPS搭建者一定的运营费用。
PCF8574 full function driver library for general MCU and Linux.
go-doudou(doudou pronounce /dəudəu/)is OpenAPI 3.0 (for REST) spec and Protobuf v3 (for grpc) based lightweight microservice framework. It supports monolith service application as well.
MAX31865 full function driver library for general MCU and Linux.
SSD1306 full function driver library for general MCU and Linux.
UVIS25 full function driver library for general MCU and Linux.
DS18B20 full function driver library for general MCU and Linux.
W25QXX(W25Q80, W25Q16, W25Q32, W25Q64, W25Q128, W25Q256) full function driver library for general MCU and Linux.
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Recommendation Algorithm大规模推荐算法库,包含推荐系统经典及最新算法LR、Wide&Deep、DSSM、TDM、MIND、Word2Vec、Bert4Rec、DeepWalk、SSR、AITM,DSIN,SIGN,IPREC、GRU4Rec、Youtube_dnn、NCF、GNN、FM、FFM、DeepFM、DCN、DIN、DIEN、DLRM、MMOE、PLE、ESMM、ESCMM, MAML、xDeepFM、DeepFEFM、NFM、AFM、RALM、DMR、GateNet、NAML、DIFM、Deep Crossing、PNN、BST、AutoInt、FGCNN、FLEN、Fibinet、ListWise、DeepRec、ENSFM,TiSAS,AutoFIS等,包含经典推荐系统数据集criteo 、movielens等
This Inventory management system is the currently Ford Asia Pacific after-sales logistics warehousing supply chain process . After I leave Ford , I start this project . You can share your vacant warehouse space, use it for those in need, and generate income